Your Christmas Newsletter is Here! A Place to Call Home

Evangel Hall MissionNews

Home. It’s such a small word but it means so much. We talk about the housing crisis in Canadian cities, but housing needs to be more than just a roof, heat and a bed – we need to think about creating homes. Home is a place where you can go and know you will be free from violence. A home is a place of refuge, where you can recharge and reset. A home is where you can live without hiding parts of you. A home may be filled with people who are happy to see you when you walk in the door – or it may be a furry friend greeting you with a snuggle. A home may be where you find quiet. Or music. Or a place to paint, write, sing or dance.

Portland Place and the Adelaide Residence were built to give more than four walls to tenants – they are homes. Building projects like these are an example of what can be done when a group of people with a vision, commitment, and fearlessness come together. We are grateful that because of these visionaries decades ago, this Christmas season, over a 160 people have a place to call home.

Read about the latest happening at EHM in our Christmas Newsletter here!