Meet Erin – EHM’s Tenancy Preservation Worker

Evangel Hall MissionNews, Programs

What makes a home? It’s a place where we feel safe, a place that reflects who we are – it’s a place we want to be. But sometimes it can be difficult to stay on top of the things that need to be done to maintain your apartment, and for some tenants, it can quickly get out of control. And when that happens, Erin can jump in and help!

Bed bugs and roaches can come from anywhere – library books, public transit, even cardboard boxes used for grocery delivery. It can feel embarrassing, and sometimes tenants don’t want to tell staff that they’ve found pests in their unit until it gets out of control. But Erin works with tenants to help them understand that this isn’t their fault, and that we are there to help. Erin will help tenants understand what they have to do to make sure the pest control treatments work – it usually starts with a LOT of cleaning and laundry. Erin will help tenants qualify for community services that will come in and clean, and prepare the tenant’s apartment for pest control treatments.

Collecting and hoarding can quickly get out of control, and all of a sudden a tenant can’t move around their apartment, or get out quickly if there was a fire. Erin will help a tenant set goals, coach them on how to reduce and store their belongings safely, and help them access extra supports and even connect them with hoarding experts. What makes Erin special is that she works with tenants to help them build the home they want and deserve.

As tenants age, or as their health declines, their ability to lift things and clean, and their ability to even see dirt and mess in their apartment, can be hard. Over time garbage can build up in the apartment and food stays in the fridge too long. Erin sits and talks with these tenants to find out what is preventing them from doing basic housekeeping, and then connects them with a community program that can come in and do light cleaning, and even some meal preparation, each week.

“I really feel good about the work that I do because I am supporting people to get the most out of their homes and create a space that they truly love.” – Erin, Tenancy Preservation Worker