Showers may not be the most usual place to celebrate a grand-re-opening, but there is something very important happening behind the red ribbon. Thanks to a grant from the Ontario Trillium Fund, EHM just completed a full renovation of the showers in the Drop-In. But this is more than new tiling – the showers were made fully accessible to accommodate the increasing number of seniors who are unhoused or who are living in substandard conditions.
But EHM offers more than showers – clients get clean towels, shaving supplies, toothbrushes and toothpaste, soap, deodorant, band-aids, menstrual and incontinence supplies. EHM offers clients what someone with a home would have in their bathroom. And all of these supplies are available thanks to the donors and churches that collect these items and drop them off.
The renovations were also greatly needed because when the Drop-In was built, the toilets and showers weren’t designed to be meeting the need we see today. The number of people needing support continues to increase every year, and that takes a toll on the physical building. These new facilities will be easier to clean, will last longer, and will reduce our repair costs.
Thank you to OTF for the grant to do the renovations, to MPP Chris Glover for all of his support to agencies doing poverty relief in the Spadina-Fort York riding, and to all of the donors that make it possible to offer the things seniors need to live in dignity. If you would like to organize a shower supply drive or make a donation, contact Kiera at 416-504-3563 ext. 246 or